“Is Not to Lose It”

We focus so much on making money that we stop to think about all the things we do to lose money. The equation of having a lot of money is simple, income minus expenses equal what’s left. If we increase the income we should have more money left, right? That is not always the case. With more money we are able to give in on the temptations to spend, simply because now we can compared to before when it wasn’t financially possible. The more we keep spending the stronger the habit becomes and habits are not easy to break.

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“Value is What You Get”

I talk a lot about investing money in what adds value to your life. This quote very clearly emphasize that there is a difference between what you pay and what you get, and the difference can be quiet big. However, we cannot calculate a difference for each product that would apply for everyone because it is a very personal estimation. The value you get from what you buy is determined by what you value in life (makes sense, right?), and therefore the value will be different for each individual.

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“People Suddenly Know How to Use Money”

There is this thing about us human beings that we know exactly what we should’ve done once it’s too late to do anything about it. This means that we have known about it all along but for some reason we chose to ignore it or to take no action. Why? Most likely because by ignoring, it led to a more pleasant situation in the moment when we had to make the decision. We simply lack discipline. If we reverse the scenario and look at those who actually make the “right” decision in the moment, these people are often defined as people with discipline. But many of us don’t have that discipline in every aspect of our lives. Those many are also us who have to work out the consequences in the after math.

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“It’s Your Spending Habits.”

We keep thinking “if I only earned more money I could save more”, but we could keep chasing this thought forever. It doesn’t matter how much money we earn if we don’t do anything about our spending habits and actively focus on our personal finances.

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“There is no one who would guarantee you”

The beautiful part about personal finances is that you have complete control over it, the scary part about personal finances is that you are 100% responsible for it. The financial situation you are in today is the situation you put yourself in. Everyone has different starting points in life, some are born into a family with more money and some with less. It is the financial journey you take in life that is up to you and you are the one who determines where the financial finish line will be.

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“Is for You to Not Have Any.”

Katherine Whitehorn, a British journalist born in 1928, once said this quote that came to be one of my favorites. Understanding how to manage money is based on respecting money. When money is limited you not only have to manage it but you also learn to respect it.

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