Cheap Karma

This week on #FFF I would like to introduce all of you to a new concept that leads to financial success, I would like to introduce you to cheap karma!

What is Cheap Karma?

When you have adopted a financially sustainable and aware lifestyle where you cut unnecessary costs by actively evaluating and looking for cheaper options,

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“There is no one who would guarantee you”

The beautiful part about personal finances is that you have complete control over it, the scary part about personal finances is that you are 100% responsible for it. The financial situation you are in today is the situation you put yourself in. Everyone has different starting points in life, some are born into a family with more money and some with less. It is the financial journey you take in life that is up to you and you are the one who determines where the financial finish line will be.

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“Is for You to Not Have Any.”

Katherine Whitehorn, a British journalist born in 1928, once said this quote that came to be one of my favorites. Understanding how to manage money is based on respecting money. When money is limited you not only have to manage it but you also learn to respect it.

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The Social Pressure to Spend

I’m sitting in the bar with a group of friends having a good time, we’re about to toast and that awkward moment comes when I have nothing to toast with because I didn’t want to spend money on a beer. Okay, let’s evaluate the situation,I’m not a big fan of beer, I neither like nor dislike the taste very much. I wouldn’t be drinking because I’m thirsty since water is for free and I wouldn’t drink to get drunk in these situations. The beer serves me no good other than being “one in the group”, and this, my friends, is what we call the social pressure to spend.

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Are You Spending or Wasting Your Money?

During one month we manage to spend a lot of money, but one question we all should ask ourselves is, are we spending or wasting our money? The difference between spending and wasting is that when you spend money you are buying something that you really need or value, something that matters, and when you are wasting money you are buying things you could live equally well without

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