We might have envied those born into richness imagining how much easier it would be if we weren’t constantly restricted by our money. The freedom of buying what we want when we want it and enjoy everything that the world has to offer that comes with a price tag. We do however not have to live the rest of our life envying those with riches and it is within our power to do something about it.
“Or You Create Million Rupees”
It’s comfortable to rely on excuses, they make us feel better about not doing what we know that we should be doing. They give us a reason for being the way we are but they also cost us our potential and when it comes to our finances this results in not only costing us our potential but also our money as a consequence. We have many different possibilities to have more money and stabilize our finances but that package does not come with excuses and if we ever want to achieve that we need to start doing something about it.
“The Most Precious Resource we all Have is Time”
Do you remember when you were a kid and 1st of December finally was here, the beginning of the Christmas month that everyone loved. A month full of joy and excitement for a child, although on 1st of December it was still 24 days until Christmas Eve which then felt like an eternity. As we grow older and busier it became easier and easier to make that time pass and it even starts to create some stress because of everything we have to do and the financial pressure because of all the gifts we have to buy. That pure joy related to Christmas that we had as a child has become a bit of a love-hate relationship towards the holiday. Is that really how it’s supposed to be?
“Giving Every Dollar a Purpose”
At some point in life almost all of us start to wonder what our purpose in life is. Maybe we are being asked in some kind of assignment or maybe the thought popped up while trying to fall asleep. It is not an easy question to find the answer to and the answer can change as we go through life. We might want to find our purpose to feel that we are not just living day in and day out but that we are actually living for something bigger. We might want to know our purpose to know in which direction we want to go in our life journey. Our purpose is a guidance that leads to the greater good. As much as it applies to our life purpose this can be applied to any kind of purpose.
“Have a Plan for Your Money.”
The world evolves around money. We get an education to get a nice job, we get a job to get a salary and we need a salary to pay our bills and fund all our comforts and enjoyments in life. We make a huge effort to earn the money that we can spend sometimes seemingly without any effort.
“Few Will Do What You Do.”
Night is one of my favorite times during the day because when I sleep I can dream and when I dream anything can happen. I can go anywhere I want, meet anyone I want and I’m suddenly a lot better speaking any language I’m trying to learn. The world of dreams is a wonderful place whether it’s while sleeping or daydreaming, but if it’s so wonderful, why don’t we try harder to make it into a permanent reality instead of an intangible dream.
“Financial Freedome is a Mental, Emotional and Educational Process”
If financial freedom is having the money to do what you want when you want it freedom should be having the time to do what you want when you want to. That is my definition of financial freedom and freedom, and for both of them how one define it is personal. Financial freedom for one person can be completely different from another person but what it has in common is the process of reaching it. It’s not about winning a lottery or getting famous and earn huge amounts of money. It’s like Robert Kiyosaki expresses “… a mental, emotional and educational process.”
“Why Save Money If I’ll Die Tomorrow”
We can think of many reasons of why we should save and many excuses of why we shouldn’t. Living in the moment is an excellent excuse. Why save for tomorrow if we don’t know that tomorrow will come? Well, up until today we have had 100% survival rate and we are likely to have a lot more tomorrows ahead of us. 71.4 years is the average life expectancy of the global population in 2015 according to the World Health Organization. It is true that anything can happen but why should we limit our future possibilities by focusing on the less probable situation?
“Beware of Little Expenses”
It is rarely one reason alone of why we are unable to save and it is more likely smaller expenses occurring often that is the problem. They are hidden like ninjas in our daily life and strike the second we look away.
“A Budget is Telling Your Money Where to Go.”
Budgets are boring, right? I would guess that this is how the majority feels about budgeting. But are budgets boring or do we just think that it’s boring simply because we don’t really understand budgeting. Let’s first look at the quote to understand budgeting a bit better.